Radio Cosmology Lab

The Low frequency Cosmology Lab is developing the high redshift 21cm line as a new observable tool to probe the early universe. We also lead or support space missions, mainly cubesats like DORA, SPARCS, and Phoenix. Though these days this work is moving more to the Interplanetary Lab.

Interplanetary Lab

I also direct the ASU Interplanetary Lab which is a center for small mission development and testing at ASU. For more see my Space Projects page.  

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  • Phx_Assmble_crop
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LoCo Group

  • Judd Bowman – Professor
  • Danny Jacobs – Assistant Professor
  • Matt Kolopanis – Research Scientist
  • Steven Murray – Research Scientist
  • Karthik Reddy – Postdoc
  • Amy Zhao – Grad student
  • Katherine Elder – Grad student
  • Akshatha Vidyula – Grad student
  • Lindsay Berkhout – Grad student
  • Arib Islam – Undergrad


  • Adam Beardsley – Postdoc, now Professor of Physics at Winona State
  • Tyler Cox – ASU Undergraduate, now Grad student at UC Berkeley
  • David Lewis – ASU Undergraduate
  • Edgar Escalante – ASU Undergraduate
  • Katherine Elder – HERA Summer Intern, now grad student here!
  • Jean Donet – HERA Summer Intern
  • Sean Morgan – HERA Summer Intern
  • David Nelson – ASU Undergraduate,
  • Jacob Burba – currently graduate student at Brown
  • Michael Busch – currently graduate student at Johns Hopkins
  • Karishma Albal – ASU Summer Intern
  • Lauren Turner – ASU Undergraduate
  • Mrudula Gopalkrishna – MS, now at Apple
  • Nivedita Mahesh – PhD, now Postdoc at Caltech
  • Hari Krishnan – Postdoc
  • Mickey Horn – Undergraduate, postbac Lab Manager, Now at Source Global
  • Bharat Gehlot – Postdoc, now at Astron

Sponsored Student Projects


One of 350 HERA dishes. This is the first installation of the new cosmic dawn feed.

The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) aims to probe the cosmic dawn to learn about fundamental physics and the first galaxies. ASU team members include:

  • Danny Jacobs – Project Scientist
  • Lindsay Berkhout – Digital and analog instrumentation
  • Steven Murray – Theory and Pipeline Validation,
  • Matt Kolopanis – Operations software and data analysis.


SPARCS’s 8″ aperture UV telescope will monitor stars for a month or longer to establish flare rates and intensities.

The Star Planet Activity Research Cubesat (SPARCS) will monitor stellar flares to understand their impact on exoplanets. Group team members include

  • Danny Jacobs – Spacecraft and Software Integration
  • Judd Bowman – Software and Payload Computer
  • Tahina Tamiaramanantsoa – Flight and ground astronomy pipeline
  • Matt Kolopanis – Flight and Ground Software
  • Christopher McCormick (EE)
  • Chandler Hutchens (Aerospace)

Technology Development

An artists conception of the DORA widefield laser terminal operating at the moon

We are developing new technologies to be used in future space and ground-based experiments. Areas of focus include:

  • cubesat capability (Phoenix, DORA, SPARCS)
  • high data rate interconnect (DORA)
  • precision radiometry (ECHO, EDGES)
  • Advanced signal processing (EPIC)
  • Ravi Shankar (MS EE)
  • Arib Islam (EE)
  • Chandler Hutchens (Aero)
  • Karthik Reddy (LoCo Postdoc)

Student research projects